Daily Calendar

Product Details

Calendar pages are printed on 170 gsm thick photo paper. Easy to tear-off every day and hardy enough to repurpose as prints. Choose from five modern calendar designs.

Each calendar page measures 2.69x 3.22" (6.83x8.18 cm) and the whole block measures 2.95” (7.5 cm) in height.

Each Daily Calendar is individually packaged in a small brown cardboard box. Tie a bow or some twine around it, add a Tiny Card, and you’ve got a gift-wrap free gift!

Ordering Tips

Our uploader requires photos at least 612x612 pixels in jpeg, png, and heic format.

Save as you go! Our app features a Save Project button, allowing you to save your projects as you go. That’s solid peace of mind when uploading a year’s worth of photos. To save in progress calendar orders on our Print Studio App, select Save Project on the bottom of the maker page. You can rest easy knowing it is safe and sound in your account when you want to pick up your project again.

We are pleased to announce that our website has a new save feature in beta for Daily Calendars. To save, navigate to the upload page and hit the "Save Project" button at the top of the page:

A link to your project will then be emailed to you. Your in progress order will be saved for two weeks as you complete the project. You can use the link and hit re-save anytime to extend the two weeks.

Don't sweat it if you do not have a year's worth of photos! You can repeat photos by upping their quantity on the upload page. Clicking "autofill" will duplicate your photos to fill the remainder of the year.

We recommend either saving your project or placing your Daily Calendar order all in one go if you’re ordering on the web, from upload to checkout. If you leave your project sitting in your cart for long periods of time, you risk a browser refresh that could result in losing your work.

Our uploader only allows photos to be uploaded 50 at a time to avoid hiccups in your connection.

Can I choose which photo is printed on the cover?

Choose your first photo with care because we print a peekaboo of the first photo in your calendar within the cover template of your choice!

Does the Daily Calendar come with a stand?

We offer bundles of the Daily Calendar with both our Signature Stand and our Bamboo Stand.  We also sell our Calendar Stands separately here and here.

What will the start date be for my Daily Calendar?

You can now choose your calendar’s starting date for calendars ordered on our website and our iOS app, Print Studio. We heard your pleas! You can choose when to start your calendar as the first step of the ordering process. 

What are the exact template sizes for each of your designs?

The printing template sizes for the various designs can be found below. Some templates may be larger than the page itself; this is due to factored-in bleed space. 

  • Small Date: 2.813x2.813"
  • Split Date: 2.813x2.813"
  • Block Date: 2.688x3.219"
  • Bordered: 2.294x2.828" (The border on the Bordered Daily Calendar is 0.39" (0.99 cm) thick.)
  • Full bleed: 2.688x3.219"

A Note on Cropping for Small Date, Split Date, Block Date, and Full Bleed Templates:

Due to the nature of full bleed printing and trimming, we recommend keeping all important subjects at least 0.25” from the edge of your print shown on the cropping menu or print preview. Full bleed prints can be cropped up to an additional 0.25” from this preview so we recommend keeping all vital limbs, heads, and text away from these crop lines.

No Can Do

The Daily Calendar must include a full year’s worth of photos. We are unable to create calendars with shorter or longer periods of time, or any type of countdown calendar. 

Bulk Orders:

Our Daily Calendars are popular gift items for corporations, small businesses, start-ups, and freelancers. They make great holiday gifts, client thank yous, and corporate swag. We offer bulk pricing for large orders over $500 (Must be the same product and shipping to the same address. More information can be found here). 

Daily Calendars are available on our website and Print Studio iOS.