Hardcover Photobook

Product Details

Our photo book Goldilocks! Hardcover Photo Books feature 38 perfectly flippable 150 gsm glossy pages printed on 50% recycled paper. At 7x8.5” (17.8x21.6 cm), they are the perfect size for all the hands, big or little, in your family. 

Should I order a Hardcover Photo Book from the app or from your website?

Depends on your personal preference! For a pared down book printing experience we recommend the Print Studio App. Simply choose 38 images, a beautiful cover template, and add to cart. If you would like more control, multiple images per page, or captions we recommend placing an order from the website.

I’m a photo book newbie. How do I print a Hardcover Photo Book?

For a simple tutorial on how to print your first Hardcover Photo Book on the website, check out our how-to guide here. Our tutorial will guide you through possible layouts, photo counts, re-arranging, and captions so when you are ready to place your order you will already be a pro!

On the app simply choose your favorite 38 photos, a cover template, and add a title. 

Ordering Tips

If you are using the app, please only use English characters for your titles on your Hardcover Photo book. Emojis or non-English characters will not print. All characters will print in photo books made using the website. 

A Note on Cropping

Our Hardcover Photo Books feature pages and cover options can also be chosen to print full bleed. Due to the nature of full bleed printing and trimming, we recommend keeping all important subjects at least 0.25” from the edge shown on the cropping menu and print preview. Full bleed prints can be cropped up to an additional 0.25” from this preview so we recommend keeping all vital limbs, heads, and text away from these crop lines.

Can Instagram Photos be used for these books?

We don't recommend using older Instagram photos in our Hardcover Photo Books. They will be printed with a large amount of white space around them because the image size is too small to be printed full bleed.

If you would like to print your older Instagram photos, there are some grid page options that have small enough grids to facilitate the smaller Instagram file size. We recommend these grid options for smaller social media photos as printing them full bleed can result in pixelated pages.

What happened to your old uploader?

This tech company got new tech! The new photo book maker is user friendly, allows you to print multiple photos per page, and avoids issues with larger Instagram photos. After many years of leaving the older photo book maker up and running, we no longer support it. The old uploader had old tech and we saw issues arising that led to orders failing. Give the new maker a whirl and if you have any suggestions on how to make it better, email us at hello@sps.io.

Order a Hardcover Photo Book on our website and Print Studio app