Ritual Print Set

Product Details

200 uniquely sized Classic Prints printed on archival quality 300gsm paper made from 50% recycled FSC-certified paper. Prints are coated with a smooth matte finish to preserve your memories for years to come. Comes with a Signature Stand for easy display.

Ritual Prints are 2.5x3.5" (6.35x8.9cm) in size.

All Ritual Prints are printed with a 3mm white border around the photo.

Signature Stand Details

  • Made from a single sheet of folded steel
  • Powder coated with a matte finish
  • Choose between 4 colors for the stand that vibes with your decor!
    • Sage Green, Sunshine Yellow, Cloud White, or Graphite Gray

Signature Stand Size and weight stats

  • 4 ⅛” high, 2 ⅞” wide, 3 3/16” deep (that's 10.48cm high, 7.30cm wide, and 8.10cm deep for our metric using friends)
  • Weighs in at a sturdy .54 lbs (245 grams)

Can I order less than 200 photos? Can I order more?

Our Ritual Prints only come in packs of 200 at this time.

Is it possible to order these prints Full Bleed?

Unfortunately, these are only available with the 3mm white border. Sorry about that!

Can I purchase the Signature Stand without the Ritual Prints?

You betcha, check them out here.

Saving Orders

We are pleased to announce that our website has a new save feature in beta for Ritual Print Sets! To save, navigate to the upload page and hit the "Save Project" button at the top of the page:

A link to your project will then be emailed to you. Your in progress order will be saved for two weeks as you complete the project. You can use the link and hit re-save anytime to extend the two weeks.

If ordering from our iOS app, Print Studio, you can save your order in progress by tapping the "Save Project" button during the photo selection process.

Ritual Prints are available on our website and Print Studio iOS.