Photo Necklaces

Product Details

We have shrunk down our best selling Metal Prints so you can create your own personalized, wearable, art! These one-sided prints are printed using a special dye infusion process that prints directly onto specially coated aluminum sheets. This results in a glossy, luminescent finish. 

Prints are then inserted into silver-plated, nickel-free pendants, available in five shapes and sizes. Each pendant includes an 18" chain, ready for gifting.

Pendant sizes

Small Circle Pendant: 0.75" (1.91 cm)

Circle Pendant: 1" (2.54 cm)

Small Square Pendant: 0.75x0.75" (1.91x1.91 cm)

Square Pendant: 1x1" (2.54x2.54 cm)

Rectangle Pendant: 1x2" (2.54x5.08 cm)

A Note on Cropping

Our Photo Necklaces are always printed full bleed. Due to the nature of full bleed printing and trimming, we recommend keeping all important subjects at least 0.25” from the edge of your print shown on the cropping menu or print preview. Full bleed prints can be cropped up to an additional 0.25” from this preview so we recommend keeping all vital limbs, heads, and text away from these crop lines. These prints are also quite small, so we recommend that your subjects are centered and prominent when choosing a photo for your jewelry.

Still have questions? Email our team of customer service empaths at for helpful guidance. 

No can do:

  • We do not have other metal finishes at this time
  • Photo Necklaces are printed single sided, we are unable to make these pendants with two images
  • We cannot add engraving to these small necklaces, though we are thinking about it for the future!

Order Photo Necklaces on our website and Print Studio App.