Acrylic Photo Blocks

Product Details

Acrylic Photo Blocks are printed on vibrant LexJet Metallic prints and then mounted on 1” Plexiglass for exceptionally rich prints with a multi dimensional effect. They are finished with an opaque black backing to block our light and let your photo take center stage.  These prints are free standing and can be placed on any flat surface to spruce up your space.

How large do my photos need to be to print?

  • 4x4” (10.16x10.16 cm): 400x400 pixels
  • 4”x6” (10.16x15.24 cm): 400x600 pixels 
  • 5”x7 (12.7x17.78 cm): 500x700 pixels 
  • 6x6” (15.24x15.24 cm): 600x600 pixels 

Can I use Instagram photos for the square sizes?

Instagram photos work great for the square sizes!

How do I know if my photo will print well?

Our uploader will block photos that are too small for a particular Acrylic Photo Block size, but it is unable to tell if a photo is blurry, pixelated, or taken in low light. These are all factors that can cause a correctly sized photo to not print as well. A good way to tell if your photo will print well on a larger scale is to check the resolution. We print at 300 dpi and photos at or near this resolution will print best.

If you are still nervous, you can perform what we call the "zoom test" on your image prior to upload. Open up your photo on your computer's photo viewer, and zoom in a little bit. If you see pixelation when you zoom, this will also show up in print.

As a general rule, we recommend printing photos that are taken in natural light. Indoor photos at low light can look fuzzy. Check out our photo editing guide that will help you choose and edit your photos for the best possible prints. 

Still hesitant to print? Email our team of customer service empaths at for helpful guidance. 

A Note on Cropping

Our Acrylic Photo Blocks are always printed full bleed. Due to the nature of full bleed printing and trimming, we recommend keeping all important subjects at least 0.25” from the edge of your print shown on the cropping menu or print preview. Full bleed prints can be cropped up to an additional 0.25” from this preview so we recommend keeping all vital limbs, heads, and text away from these crop lines.

Order Acrylic Photo Blocks on our website or app.