Photo Magnets

Product Details

Your photos will be printed, laminated, and affixed to a magnet that sticks to any magnetic surface. These are so fun it’ll be hard to pull you away!

Product Sizing

Round Photo Magnets are 1" (2.54 cm) in diameter

Square Photo Magnet sizes:

  • 3x3" (7.62x7.62 cm) 
  • 2x2" (5.08x5.08 cm)

Ordering Tips

Round Photo Magnets are created from a square image. We recommend choosing photos where the subjects are smack dab in the middle of your magnet. Please leave 0.25” between the previewed edge of your magnet and essential body parts or text for the best possible magnet.

Square Photo Magnets also require a small portion of the edge of your photo to be folded over to create the magnet. Please keep all essential heads, arms, text, and logos at least 0.25” from the edge of the previewed crop.

The minimum photo size needed for Photo Magnets is 612x612 pixels. They’re great for Instagram photos!

Order Photo Magnets on our website or app.