Mini Photo Prints

Product Details

Printed on archival quality 300gsm paper made from 50% recycled FSC-certified paper. Prints are coated with a smooth matte finish to preserve your memories for years to come. Choose from a full-frame print with a 3mm white border or a square format for a retro look with lots of white space.

Product Sizing:

Rectangle (available on the website and iOS app, Print Studio)

  • 3.3x2.2" (8.5x5.5 cm)
  • Printed full frame with a 3mm white border

Square (website only)

  • 3.3x2.2" (8.5x5.5 cm)
  • Printed photo is 1.8x1.8” (4.5x4.5 cm)

Ordering Tips

The minimum photo size for this product is 612x612 pixels. These are great for Instagram photos! 

If you desire a print with a more retro look with plenty of white space for notes, we recommend using Instagram or other square photos if you are ordering on our iOS app, Print Studio.

A Note on Cropping for Full Bleed Prints:

Due to the nature of full bleed printing and trimming, we recommend keeping all important subjects at least 0.25” from the edge of your print shown on the cropping menu or print preview. Full bleed prints can be cropped up to an additional 0.25” from this preview so we recommend keeping all vital limbs, heads, and text away from these crop lines.

No Can Do

We cannot add text to either the front or the back of Mini Photo Prints. The square option leaves plenty of space for a handwritten note!

The square format is not available on the app. To recreate this look, use Instagram or other square photos.

Mini Photo Prints are priced in sets of 48 prints. We are unable to print smaller batches at this time in an effort to cut down on as much paper waste as possible. To get the most prints for your buck, be sure to select your prints in multiples of 48.

Order Mini Photo Prints on our website or app.